Thursday, April 27, 2006

And the award goes to...

For being the most wonderful waster of time ever.
I seriously excel at this.
I can't seem to find a career, though, where this is considered an asset.
I will keep looking though, because someone out there has to appreciate the procrastinator, right?

Barb, from the CJ group tagged us all
so I think I will do this.
I've never done a tag before, and I'm all about doing wild and crazy things I've never done before...
like typing semi-personal stuff about myself on the internet.
here goes:
5 things In my fridge :
Not a lot
b/c I need to
go to the
I think there are 3 jugs of skim milk
cause I can never finish one and I don't throw them away
for some reason.

In my closet:
I love my closet it super organized(like by color and type of clothing and shoes in clear stacked boxes oraganized)
-Cowboy boots
-purses I never use cause it seems like too much of a hassle to switch stuff from one purse to another
-alot of sweaters that I like too much to get rid of, but not enough to wear
-My two favorite BCBG dresses evah!!!
-Christmas decorations and random crap-I only have one closet people

In My Purse:
-always have my cell and I'm a call screener so I never answer it
-chapstick, although, it's NOT in there today and I think my lips might fall off
-Ms.Manicure's emery boards to go-a life savor-thanks mom.
-Altoids and cinnammon tic-tacs
-a Camera and extra rolls of film-just in case

In My Car ( a super duper wonderful Honda Element the best car ever)
-Every Tim McGraw cd ever made
-tons of stuff that I was supposed to donate and keep forgettting
-no carpeting- a perk of having an element-it is water proof
-a sunroof over the back seat - which I can never close when it is raining so it is a good thing the car is waterproof

And I might try to post some pictures/layouts this weekend, but whenenver I say that it never works out sooo...who knows?

Monday, April 24, 2006

stupid blogger

Wouldn't let me post ealier.
Thing I love about my job today: FOG.
Yep, it allowed me an extra hour of sleep today.
Gotta love that.
Thing I don't like: feeling guilty about not wanting to work in the summer.
I know I should to save money, but there are so many other things I could do if I don't work.
Most of my friends are teachers so I can go visit them and I can scrap all day and I can go to the beach/pool everyday.

Another very weird thing:
I've had two dreams involving people from the blogging world.
The first one I dreamt that I met Darcy and Mara. This is so weird to me b/c I've never seen these people.
Last night I had a dream that my boyfriend and I were hanging out with Darcy and her husband.
Seriously, I don't know why, but it just seems weird.
I reapeat I have never met these people.
I just read what they write about their lives randomly.
Okay, maybe it's not that weird, but it seems weird.

Thank you Kat for organizing the CJ. I can't wait.

Oh, I think I may be purchasing a computer this week.
This is a big step for me.
For one, the most expensive thing I have ever bought besides my car is my couch.
And I'm pretty sure that wasn't too expensive.
Secondly, I don't know anything about computers.
I don't want to spend a lot of money and get a crappy computer.
Third, I will have to get the internet and I'm very cheap.
I have no real phone, no cable and no internet.
It is like living old school very inexpensive old school.
Living this way allows me to spend money on important things like Heidi Swapp chipboard letters, I mean, my school loans.
Of course maybe I can start scanning some of my layouts.
Then maybe i could start submitting some of them.
Then maybe something would get published.
And that people is a goal of mine.
I also need a new camera.
A really nice new explensive camera.
That is digital.
So I can take more pictures and not have to wait till I develop my film to see what they look like.

Monday Musings...

Just some random thoughts for today:
-gotta love fog when you work at a school and you get an extra hour of sleep b/c of it.
-100 calorie snack packs; especially the oreo ones. I LOVE these!
- I actually worked out yesterday on a Sunday!
-even though I'm working out about 5 times a week I'm gaining weight and no I don't think it is b/c muscle weighs more than fat.
-stupid desperate Hwives and Grey's were recaps last night-that sucks.
-did I mention oreo snack packs?
-I read The DiVinci Code yesterday - very good. I didn't find it that controversial, but I suppose it is if you are Catholic. The whole controversy is proving that Jesus was a man. Ummm...doesn't the New Testament say that he was a mortal man?
-I think Ali Edwards needs to come out with her own magazine. That small section in CK isn't enough for me. I need more.
-got some scrappin done this weekend and am full of ideas right now...that's good stuff.
-My Hobby Lobby now has HS chipboard letters. I freaking love HS.
-Does it seem like people who own scrapbook stores are kinda snooty?
-Only 30 days of school left
-No real summer job plans. I can't decide if I should get one or not,hmmm... If anyone knows of any good partime jobs in NWIndiana let me know.
-Cannot wait to go to the beach and read and do absolutely nothing else.
-Need to get started on grad school applications...but don't really WANT to.
Outty 5.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Don't go eat the candy bar

That is what I have to keep telling myself.
Some teacher's son is selling candybars in the teachers lounge as a fun raiser.
I don't even really like candybars.
The end of the day is dragging though and it is calling my name.
Went out for Dyngus day, thought I would be in bed by 10:30, but didn't get home until like 2am!!!
I cannot do this stuff anymore.
I was definitely dragging at school yesterday.
I did see my school psychologist out and she was a lot of fun.
It's good to see work people out of the usual element.
I also saw one of my previous students mother bumping and grinding away.
That is always a little akward.
I spent last night at my parents and hung out with my sisters and brother for awhile.
I cannot imagine having only 2 kids.
I have 3 younger sisters and a little brother and sometimes they are a pain in the neck, but other times, like last night they are hilarious and so much fun to be with.
My brother is 13 and was seriously cracking me up last night.
Right now I can't imagine having any kids, but when I do or if I do I think I have to have alot.
I don't want my future off spring to miss this kind of stuff.
Peace out.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Happy Dyngus Day to all

Have you guys ever heard of Dyngus Day?
It is the day after Easter and every one goes crazy 'cause Lent is over.
It is some polish holiday.
I'm not Polish nor do I participate in Lent, but I still Dyngus.
For some reason people in my hometown and Southbend really get into it.
My town has buses that bring you to all the bars.
On any other night of the year you would not want to enter 99.9% of the bars, but tonight it is okay b/c there will be normal people out.
It is quite the fun time.
Best thing about it is you go out early so I can still get in a full 8 hours before school tomorrow.
I'm not the young hip person that I used to be though b/c I'm already dreading that feeling you have the day after you drink.
I get this feeling after like one drink.
I also HATE smoking in public places and this is pretty common in drinking establishments.
I HATE when people smoke around me.
I HAtE that someone else can make a choice that affects me on so many unhealthy levels.
If you want to drink fine;I won't get drunk from you drinking or liver failure, but if you smoke I will get lung damage.
Okay, seriously,I could go on all day about that.
I once almost got in a fight a fraternity party b/c I took a cigarette out of a girls hand and put it out.
SHE almost put my EYE out with it though!
I don't care-I'd do it again.
Because I'm a B.A. (bad a**)when it comes to standing up to not Smoking!
Seriously enough of that...
Enjoy Dyngus Day!

Monday, April 10, 2006

random updates

Am back at school after spring break.
It was fun, relaxing, got somethings accomplished, but not everything I wanted to.
Did a lot of scrapping though.
Worked out almost everyday even Saturday...and the big thing is that I went by myself.
That is a huge thing for me.
I have a fear of being laughed at (makes no sense I know) and seems that I could easily make a fool of myself while working out.
As far as I know no one laughed at me.
Watched the first season of Lost.
Now I'm going crazy, because I need the second season to be out on DVD.
I can't just start watching in the middle you know.
I have eaten ALOT of chinese.
This may be the reason for no weight lost despite the constant working out.
I did go down to Bloomington to visit the girls I nannyed for during and after college.
They are getting so big.
It's kind of sad.
They are starting to forget some of the things we did together.
I had fun with the though.
I love B-town, but there were crazy storms and a bunch of roads were closed so I didn't get to spend anytime on campus which was my plan for my last day.
It made me miss being in school.
When every one was your age and there was always something to do.
Did anyone watch Extreme Home Makeover last night?
The little girl on there has Lissencephaly.
That is what my friend's baby was just diagnosed with.
It is kind of cool that they had it on the show.
It is a rare disease and so many people have questions.
I hope alot of their friends got to watch it.
My mom said it was very informative and uplifting.