Thursday, March 30, 2006

Conversation with a kindergartener...

Young student: Do I kandom?
Me: I'm sorry I didn't understand you can you say it again?
(remember, I teach speech)
Young student: DO I LOOK KANDSOME?
Me: Handsome?
Young student: Yes, handsome (like he said it all along).
Me: Yes, you do.
(he is wearing ghetto blue shiny warm up outfit, very handsome indeed)
Young student: Smell my body (as he leans closer to me)
Me:(very nervous this could go one of two ways, but I bravely take a whiff of the top of his head)
Ahhhh, are you wearing cologne?
Young student: Yep, I'm handsome.

Sometimes my kids crack me up.

Another one showed me his teeth the other day and said "Look at my teeth!!!!"
I asked him what was different from the last time I saw him.
He replied "They're falling out; I'm gonna be rich!"
I didn't want to break his heart, but I don't think the tooth fairy has ever made anyone rich.
At some point the money stops rolling in.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm too sexy

I really have to start looking a little more stylish when I come to school.
When I first started I always looked cute, but now I just think those kids think I'm cool no matter what I wear:)
So, today I just wear black pants and a zip up sweater=totally boring teacher look and who comes to school?
A model.
Yep, that is right a freakin model.
Okay, not really a super model but she has been in some magazines and some commercials.
Cute sweater, jeans tucked into tall boots and beautiful without trying made me feel just a little dowdy.
This is also a girl that Tom went to school with and we saw at the bar Saturday night.
I guess she lives in L.A. but is here visiting family.
She came and talked to the second grade today.
I'm still a little confused about that.
What was she saying to second graders?
Anyway, I'm definitely working out tonight.
Maybe models should come to school everyday.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

feeling creative...

So I just got to school(or work) and I was browsing 2peas and looking up some of Ali Edwards stuff(she is sooooo inspirational) and now I am itching to go make something...and I can't.
I'm so tempted to just call off and go home and CREATE.
But I won't I will stay here and have my creativity stifled.
Well, not stifled really, buy get it out through other outlets than the preferred means of scrapbooking.
Do you ever feel this way?
Get really inspired and can't wait to scrap...but you can't for some reason?
I have to stay late tonight and then go work out so I won't be home until nine.
Hope this feeling doesn't go away.

Monday, March 27, 2006

please petition for 3-day weekends

Do you ever just feel tired?
Like go to sleep right now lethargic slowmoving kind of a day?
That is today.
I need an extra day in the weekend.
That would make my life perfect...really that is all it would take.
Had my grandma's 81st suprise birthday party this weekend.
We are super sneaky like that having an 81st instead of an 80th.
She was very suprised.
My little sister was seriously afraid she would have a heartattack and requested that we not yell surprise.
We did anyway though b/c what is a surprise party without the "SURPRISE"?
I altered a small paint can and then came up with 60 reasons why I love her.
I brought 21 blank strips to the party.
My grandma has 8 kids and like a million grand and great-grand kids.
You would think filling the blank papers would be easy.
No so much.
People kept saying "I don't know what to write" or "I'm not creative".
Are you kidding me? You can't think of one and I came up with SIXTY!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh-I figured out the annonymous poster.
My aunt.
I knew it was someone related to me, b/c the wrote Wendy Sophia like I was being lectured.
She is getting a new weimereiner named Kya, that threw me.
I kept thinking of friends that were having babies.
Nope .
It was my aunt and her baby is a dog.
They are cute puppies though.

I'm random today.
Drove Tom, his roommate, Chad, and Chad's friend to the bars on Saturday.
I was tired.
Chad and his friend were drunk and trying to hook up.
Let me tell you they were hitting on some 'quality' young ladies.
I was so ready to go and no one else was.
They talked me into bringing them to another bar on our way home.
Here they found some more young ladies to talk to.
Finally, Tom told them we were leaving.
They did not come.
We waited in the parking lot.
They did not come.
I drove Tom home.
I felt bad about this, but people please have a little respect for your driver.
Tom said it was okay to leave them and they got home somehow or another.
Okay, I'm just rambling on and on without a point.
This is way long.
People probably will get bored sometime around the middle and stop reading.
I suppose that means I could write anything I wanted down here at the bottom.
I won't though...
Outty 5.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm uncomfortable...

With annonymous comments...there are two on my last post.
I'm kinda thinking in know who it is, but I'm not sure.
Tell me who you are.
I guess it is a little freaky that anyone can read what I write.
Tom believes a blog is just asking for trouble.
"Putting things about yourself on the internet can only lead to bad things" is actually what he said.
I say whatever.
So here is a dilema.
Sometimes I'm so ADD.
Like really really really ADD.
Not like hyper, but way out of it.
I'm not on meds for it and I think it is the reason I've been so creative all my life.
I spend a lot of time thinking about things I shouldn't be thinking about at that time so this leads to creative thoughts.
On the other hand, it is seriously bugging me at work.
Sometimes I feel like I can get nothing done.
I want to get my masters, but that freaks me out because I get overwhelmed very easily.
Had a wonderful weekend.
Went to Indy to visit a friend.
Didn't do anything really exciting, but it was nice.
I did by a book on cd and didn't finish it on the way home so now I'm craving time in my car.
I guess I could listen to it at home, but it isn't the same.
Watched Desparate Housewives and Grey's Sunday.
Stayed awake and this is a great accomplishment for me.
Sweet thing done by Tom:
I was hungry so he went out and got me a pizza so I wouldn't have to miss any of Desparate Housewives.
I did go out for St. Patricks day.
I did struggle to keep my eyes open at the bar and not becuase I was drunk but b/c I CANNOT stay awake.
Seriously...I had to let a student go back to class early today b/c I kept nodding off.
In college my friends thought I had narcolepsy(spelling??).
Could be...but I think it goes back to the ADD thing.
If I'm not entertained I will just sleep.
My body just wants to shut down.
I'm weird and I'm ending on that.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Nobody's jugs are bigger than Annette's favorite movie of all time.
Know every word.
Every song, although, some people do not think that I should sing them.
Whatever...those people are crazy.
I'm not sure why that line is stuck in my head.
Not exactly appropriate.

Had a good weekend.
Made dinner(not big, but still I made it) on Friday.
Tom came over we watched TV and read Cosmo.
The boy loves Cosmo.
He says he needs a womans perspective.

Saturday went and saw Faryl and baby Sadie.
They are doing so good.
Sadie is beautiful.
That was a fun afternoon and both Nick and Faryl are being very positive.
Went to see Tom's best friends baby that night.
We just hung out and talked.
His friends wife was feeding the baby in the nursery for like an hour and a 1/2 straight.
I was beginning to wonder if she actually had that much milk in her.
I know it is healthy and best for the baby, but breast feeding freaks me out.
Actually, the whole pregnancy thing freaks me out.
Tell me that is not a little freaky.

Sunday I was sooo tired.
Went to church with my family.
That was good;haven't been able to go in a while.
Took a nap at my parents.
Tom and I always watch Desparate Housewives and Grey's on Sunday nights.
I don't have cable and don't get that channel.
So, I called him to see if they were new or reruns.
He checked and said reruns.
I decided to stay home because I was tired and thought I would finish the album I'm making Faryl.
He called me last night.
He lied.
They were NOT reruns.
I'm so behind now.
He gave me a run down of what happened, but it's not the same.
So sad.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Random Friday Tidbits

Right now I am:
feeling a little neasueas, don't know why
just finished my only diet Pepsi for the school day
have an absent student so have time to do this
can't wait for lunch
am nervous about my conference later, hate confrentation(for the life of me I can't remember how to spell that) and the teacher involved loves it
can't wait to get home
am wondering if I actually will work out tonight
am going to cook dinner tonight
can't believe my brother turned 13 yesterday
can't believe my parents had his birthday dinner at Hooters
can't believe he "shook his booty" in front of 50 other costumers.
am having a really good day

Also, I've been thinking about little baby Sadie and my friends, her parents, and have come to this conclusion. This is a baby that will demand nothing of any one but to be loved. Yes, her basic needs will have to be met but other than that she just needs love. She won't need anyone to be a role-model, friend, disiplianrian, teacher or all those other thing parents have to be. In that way I suppose she is a blessing. At first I coudln't figure out why God would give my friends a child like this. I know they can handle it, but at the same time I know they could raise wonderful children. Well, looking at it this way has helped me. Already, Sadie has touched so many lives and she is only a week old. Just her being a week old is a miracle. Everyday she lives is a miracle. I did grieve for them at first, for what they could have had or what I expected them to have (not just a child, but the life-style, this child means an entire life-style change) and after some thinking and praying myself and everyone else in their life is beginning to embrace what was unexpected. Sorry, this is something I just needed to get out. It's been on my mind all week and I finally feel at peace about it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wait...I didn't do it

So, I couldn't post. My friend and I did a trial one and I had it all figured out. Unfortunately, when I got to Tom's house (where I have my layouts scanned) I coudn't get it to work b/c they weren't saved under jpg (whatever that means). If someone could please tell me how to save the scan under this jpg thing you would be a wonderful person.
On to other news, my good freind just had her second baby last Wednesday. Everything went fine until Friday. The baby's breathing kept stopping and she was aspirating her food. After a very long weekend we found out this morning that she has Lissencephaly, most likely. This means the ridges in her brain didn't form. It is not good. It's so scary all the things that can go wrong when you have a baby. Life is very precious.
So even though you have no idea who this person is if you read this say a little prayer for this family. For the parents to be comforted and be strong and for the sweetest little girl, Sadie Jo, to be safe and if anything know she is loved.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Finally, I did it!!

Okay, so I finally (I think) posted on 2peas. Please, check it out and tell me what ya think. I'm going to try and post maybe four of my favorite layouts tonight, but I may not be that patient.
My name over there is WendySophia.
Can't get that Golddigger song out of my head.
Why do weekends go so fast?
It's snowing right now and I'm hoping for a 2 hour delay tomorrow. I'm thinking it's not very likely though.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


My two favs:

Oreo Balls (or as Tom calls them Micheal Jackson Balls)
1 package of Oreo's
18oz package of cream cheese
white almond bark

Very easy: crush the Oreo's and mix with the cream cheese. Roll into balls and dip in the melted almond bark then let cool.
These are soooo good and so not good for you.
Everyone loves them when they have them. My sister has made them with reeses cups and chocolate almond bark, but I don't know how well that works out.

My next one: Cheesy Crunchy Chicken
We used to always have this in my sorority and it was everyone's favorite. I recently made it for Tom and I and it was delicous and easy
6-8 chicken breasts
1 can chicken soup
slices of swiss or mozerella cheese (like the sandwhich cheese)
herbed dressing mix

bake the chicken for 30 minutes then and the chicken soup and cook for another 10 min. Next add a slice of tomatoe, 1/2 slice of cheese and sprinkle on bread crumbs. Bake until melted then serve and eat.

Okay that was easy because those are like the only two thinks I know how to bake.
I did go to the Y yesterday and it kicked my butt. My friend and I decided to do a 60 minute aerobics class. What was I thinking? I used to power walk 2 miles everymorning but haven't since it got too cold so now the only excercise I've done is pilates. While that's hard it's not cardio, so, I was ready to pass out like 20 minutes into the class. I also don't have the worlds greatest coordination so I'm sure everyone was laughing at me which is my fear. I will be going back tonight, though!
Tom and I tried to post some of my pages last night on 2peas and I'm sure it is really simple, but we couldn't do it. My sister is going to help me on Thursday. Hopefully I will have something posted by Friday morning and I would love to hear comments. My 2peas name is wendysophia.
I hope other bloggers are going to be posting recipes today b/c I'm trying to cook more, but am running out of good, yet easy, recipes.