Wednesday, August 30, 2006

here's a little...

Don't know how to link, but got this off of Jess (CAjess14):

Called Tom from school
bought 'teachery' material I said I'd never buy
wished it would stop raining
didn't work out, again
fell asleep before the end of LAO
Talked to Jenny forever

Forgot to eat breakfast
Mailed Tom a card
Have a diagnostic Interview for Jenna and Dustin that's making me nervous
Will stick to my diet for the 3rd day straight
having a good hair day
Said I'm never having kids

Want to have Taco Bell but stick to diet
Will get folders and buelletin board done
Will scrap
Will remember breakfast
Will stay positive
Will pray

My classroom is infested with grasshopper/crickets
(what's the difference...I think crickets are black????????)
Is that weird?
They freak me out.

Monday, August 28, 2006


So, I found some small monograms at Walmart on clearance.
Only a $1.50.
What a I bout 2 'w's and 1 's'.
Last night I was 'altering' them.
I wanted to bring in one 'w' and the 's' for my desks at my schools.
They turned out quite cute...or so I thought.
I was just sitting here looking at the 'w' and thinking "wow, you are so creative and did such a wonderful job on that 'w'. "
Then I noticed that I had covered it in paper with writing...
and the only word you can read, right in the middle of the 'w', on the hump if you will, is :
So, I'm a lunatic but have a very pretty 'w'.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Back in Action

So, I didn't think I would be able to say this...but I'm so glad to be back at school.
The day seems to go by much more quickly, though, when you have to work.
Everything here at school is so fresh and everyone(almost) has positive attitudes.
Should be a good year.
Looked up info to take GRE next month.
I wish I could just give a school the $50,000 and then they would say here 'ya go there is your degree.
Or maybe I wish I could go to school full time and not have to work.
I'm just scared to do both.
I enjoy school.
I enoy working (which is school, too).
But I don't know if I enjoy both at the same time.
On the scrapbooking front...
Tom requested to look at my scrapbook(or I shoved it at him as soon as he sat down on my couch) and I was telling him my scrapping has gotten so much better from when I started 7 years ago.
My style has changed so much...not so cutesy.
So, he asked to see an earlier scrapbook(Or I shoved that one at him, too).
He said he couldn't tell much of a difference except that now I seem to buy more stuff where before I seemed to make more stuff.
Is he right?
Is it not more creative and artsy?
Am I just caught up in some product frenzy?
I don't think so and hope not.
I feel like each page is a little bit of art.
I used to draw and I express it on a scrapbook page.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Are you picking up what I'm putting down? to say that.
Fifth grade teacher at my old school used to say it.
Makes me laugh.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


School starts on Monday and it is bittersweet.
Always sad when summer ends, but I love fall and am starting to look forward to that.
While it's been kinda nice to be away from the computer I feel like I've missed out on some stuff and haven't been to 2peas in like forever.
Still don't have a computer and that was a summer goal.
I'm getting really frustrated at not being able to share pages.
I need scrappy people input on my pages.
My family and Tom say nice things, but they don't really get it.
My "scrapbooking" freinds are more the creative memories type (not you JoAnn and Faryl).
so, while it's cool to get together with them sometimes I feel like they look at my pages and are just not getting it either.
This is gonna be short...I'll be posting a lot more in the future since I'll be back at school.
I do have a request though...for anyone out there who prays...pray for my family and my sister in paticular. I can't put the details here i don't know who reads it. It is a really bad situation. I feel like she is lost forever. I don't know how to reach her. She has made some life altering decisions that I can't even comprehend. So please pray for my family, my sister, myself.
Thanks guys.
Sometimes the whole anonymity of the internet is good.