Struggling seems to be a topic I run into over and over again lately. It seems safe to say that everyone is struggling somehow whether it is due to the economy, family or personal heartbreak. Today I read 1Thesselonians 3:3 that no one would be disturbed by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this.
I was reading this as part of a bible study I'm doing and the topic this week is assurance in victory. This verse stood out to me as I was sitting in church listening to the pastor preach on faith. After reading this verse I think it's important to remember that as Christians we are destined for affliction. We are meant to live a life that imitates Christ and a life that each day brings us closer to God. To grow closer we must need him; we must need to deepen our faith. These struggles may be a part of our Christan life. It's difficult to imagine that a loving God would want us to struggle and would willingly allow hurt to be brought into our lives. In this I go back to finding comfort in not needing to understand God. Simply knowing he is God and he has a plan and he will see it through completion (Philippians 1:4-6) is my comfort.). That does mean constant reminders that Christ does have a plan and it is for good. I must also remind myself that my definition of good most likely doesn't line up with Gods. I base my thoughts and plans on wordly views. I try not to, but I'm a sinner and it's inevitable. It's difficult to want and desire and realize that my wants and desires may not be God's will or at least his will for me. It's hard to give control of my life over to him. It means I have to humble myself and I can see where pride constantly gets in the way of my letting God's will come to fruition in my life.