Do you ever just feel tired?
Like go to sleep right now lethargic slowmoving kind of a day?
That is today.
I need an extra day in the weekend.
That would make my life perfect...really that is all it would take.
Had my grandma's 81st suprise birthday party this weekend.
We are super sneaky like that having an 81st instead of an 80th.
She was very suprised.
My little sister was seriously afraid she would have a heartattack and requested that we not yell surprise.
We did anyway though b/c what is a surprise party without the "SURPRISE"?
I altered a small paint can and then came up with 60 reasons why I love her.
I brought 21 blank strips to the party.
My grandma has 8 kids and like a million grand and great-grand kids.
You would think filling the blank papers would be easy.
No so much.
People kept saying "I don't know what to write" or "I'm not creative".
Are you kidding me? You can't think of one and I came up with SIXTY!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh-I figured out the annonymous poster.
My aunt.
I knew it was someone related to me, b/c the wrote Wendy Sophia like I was being lectured.
She is getting a new weimereiner named Kya, that threw me.
I kept thinking of friends that were having babies.
Nope .
It was my aunt and her baby is a dog.
They are cute puppies though.
I'm random today.
Drove Tom, his roommate, Chad, and Chad's friend to the bars on Saturday.
I was tired.
Chad and his friend were drunk and trying to hook up.
Let me tell you they were hitting on some 'quality' young ladies.
I was so ready to go and no one else was.
They talked me into bringing them to another bar on our way home.
Here they found some more young ladies to talk to.
Finally, Tom told them we were leaving.
They did not come.
We waited in the parking lot.
They did not come.
I drove Tom home.
I felt bad about this, but people please have a little respect for your driver.
Tom said it was okay to leave them and they got home somehow or another.
Okay, I'm just rambling on and on without a point.
This is way long.
People probably will get bored sometime around the middle and stop reading.
I suppose that means I could write anything I wanted down here at the bottom.
I won't though...
Outty 5.